丈夫死亡,company common stock beneficary is someone else other than wife. wife isn't asked to sigh a waiver at all. is it legal? If not legal, should wife get 50% or 100% shares? Does wife have to go to court or go to hu*****and's company in order to get the 50% or 100%?
Hu*****and even put himself as the beneficary after his own death! Wife wasn't asked to sign at all. For this case, should wife get 100% shares?
His trust includes brokerage accounts but it didn't mention stock options. His will just says put anything into his trust. 401k/IRA isn't dominated by trust or will.Is company common stock/options dominated by trust or will? If married, does the beneficariy of company options/common stocks have to be spouse like 401k?
this is in California. Thank you!!!!!