
回答: 緊急求教各位前輩!!dafeitu2012-02-01 09:01:49

我之前發過帖子詢問關於lg的O1的事。大家都告訴我一旦辭職就沒有grace period,但當時因為和歐洲一家公司已經達成協議,馬上就辦簽證,所以當時就想著在美國再呆2個月等簽證辦下來就離開美國。但因為歐洲那家公司突然毀約,導致我們現在很被動。這時SF一家公司給了Offer,願意transfer O1,然後對方打電話詢問現在的status之後,說我們現在已經是非法滯留了,真的要辦估計要出境辦。

1 出境的意思是回中國還是可以去通過申請旅遊簽證去加拿大或墨西哥辦?

-Just do the O-1 transfer and provide yoru recent 3 months paycheck stubs. If your O-1 transfer approval notice has I-94, you do not need to do anything and just work for the new employer. If the O-1 transfer approval has no I-94, you just go to China go get the O-1 visa to come back or go to Canada for the O-1 visa if your old I-94 is still valid (China has better chance). You can use premium processing to get the O-1 transfer result in 15 days (pay $1,225 for premiumn processing fee).

2 如果出境辦,我們滯留的這幾個月是不是對申請簽證很不利?(我真的很無奈滯留這兩個字)

-Don't think it will have a problem.

3 如果可以去加拿大或墨西哥申請,一般需要多長時間?
-About 2 days including travel on road.
