回複:緊急求助: 租客一搬進來就不交房租

回答: 緊急求助: 租客一搬進來就不交房租lilly8882011-11-30 19:40:30

It may be true in Egypt that as a landlord you cannot evict a pregnant tenant. It certainly does not apply anywhere in this country. Fair housing act only prohibit a landlord who refuses to rent to a pregnant woman. You have already rented to them so that does not apply. You cannot evict based on pregnancy but can do so based on tenant not paying rent. I would give them a three day pay or quit notice. If they do not pay after three days, you have to go to court to get an eviction order, which could take several months. A judge may also be sympathetic of a pregnant tenant who is being evicted and grant her an extension to pay rent.
