朋友坐UA國內航班時, 被空姐告之隨身行李太大,朋友告知空姐隨身行李中有嶄新的兩個ipad和一個iphone後, 空姐仍然堅持要托運,結果將隨身行李在登機橋邊交托運(象stroller那樣). 到港後即刻發現取回的行李中ipad和iphone被掉包成女用皮帶.與機場交涉,機場認為行李是在登機橋邊托運,該由航空公司負責,與機場無關. 向UA,索賠,UA拒絕賠償,理由是UA’s baggage allowance policy is intended to enable a guest to travel to his destination with essential clothing items. The liability structure does not allow for coverage of certain high value items; Iphones and ipad are among those excluded items. Travelers are advised of these exclusions in the “conditions of contract for carriage” on our ticket wallet and our website.”
朋友買的是電子票, 沒有ticket wallet, 我在UA的網站上找不到conditions of contract for carriage, 隻有關於行李尺寸的規定. 請問各位大俠該怎麽辦?