今天收到一封掛號信,因我拒絕了一個申請人的個人支票, 她 filed discrimination complaint; marked Sex/Female and Discrimination in Financing.主要內容如下:
On August 12, 2011, I filed out an application to rent the house and started to write a check to pay the application fee. Mr. then proceeded to tell me in a raised voice" I no take checks from chicks!" My Step-son, was present at the time of this statement. Mr then repeated this statement a second time. I retrived me application from Mr. at it contained personal information. Mr still trying to rent this house and as of his posting on August 23, 2011 was added (casg only) after the information for the application fee, which had not been there in previous postings. I believe by this action, Mr does not take money from or rent to women.
1。我根本就沒說“I no take checks from chicks!”。Chicks 這個單詞,還是剛剛查字典才知道其中文意思。“少婦?”
2。我的確說了,"I will not take persioanl check for the application fee and could you pay cash?"
3。這個事件後,我的確修改了廣告為Application fee:(Cash only)。
我以前都是提請申請人付 cash的。因為他們都要1-2天知道結果,personal check必須cash 到賬後,才能去做credit and background 調查,時間上是不能完成的;次外,如果支票不能兌付,銀行會收我的手續費。所以,我不接受個人支票付申請費。但房租是接受個人支票的。
1.如何證明我沒有說"from chicks"
2.是否拒絕個人支票屬於Discrimination in Financing