The Fairfax County formula suggests that alimony should be calculated as follows
Aequals 30% of the gross income of the payor minus 50% of the gross income of the payee
所以原則上如果女方本身沒有收入,原則上合理的安排是以男方當年的稅後淨收入的30%為基準來計算,然後逐年依據物價波動的指數來調整這個數字(不是依據男方的收入的改變),在您的情況如果當初協議中男方同意支付到孩子成年加上女方放棄產權以換取現金,那麼原則上依據您所描述的情況,男方過去支付所有的費用應該已經超過上述公式所列入的 30% 標準,因此能夠推翻原有安排的機會應該不大,至於女方,原則上有20年的追訴權來追討男方沒有依據法院判決中所支付的部份, (VA Code § 8.01-251 ),但是女方無法隨意回頭去要求更改原來的判決 base on 先生現在的經濟狀況. (除非女方能夠證明當初法官所做出判決所依據的財產資料中,男方有隱瞞的事實)
§ 20-109. Changing maintenance and support for a spouse; effect of stipulations as to maintenance and support for a spouse; cessation upon cohabitation, remarriage or death.
B. The court may consider a modification of an award of spousal support for a defined duration upon petition of either party filed within the time covered by the duration of the award. Upon consideration of the factors set forth in subsection E of § 20-107.1, the court may increase, decrease or terminate the amount or duration of the award upon finding that (i) there has been a material change in the circumstances of the parties, not reasonably in the contemplation of the parties when the award was made or (ii) an event which the court anticipated would occur during the duration of the award and which was significant in the making of the award, does not in fact occur through no fault of the party seeking the modification. The provisions of this subsection shall apply only to suits for initial spousal support orders filed on or after July 1, 1998, and suits for modification of spousal support orders arising from suits for initial support orders filed on or after July 1, 1998.
然而依據您所提供的資料,老貓的計算是你們的案件應該是在 1996 年取得判決,所以依據上述的資料,女方可能不能引用這個法條來要求法官重新考慮原有的安排,
至於房產的部份,如果在正式的離婚協議中女方當初已經放棄這個房地產的產權,那麼夫方應該有權自行處置這個房產而無需取得女方的同意,然而考慮女方的年齡與現有的經濟狀況,如果男方經濟上現在無需要這筆賣房的收入,老貓會建議男方不要這麼做, 再等幾年等孩子有能力照顧母親時再考慮,畢竟上一代人的恩怨不要弄得下一代子女必須在父母之間一定要做一個選擇. (如果有可能,個人會建議夫方做一個遺囑日後將房地產留給子女平分,子女是否願意用自己的那一份來照顧母親,就讓他們自己去決定了)