Just go to the court and talk to the prosecutor.

來源: newyorker_bmw 2011-04-25 12:37:09 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (508 bytes)
回答: speeding ticket 問題miao-miao-miao2011-04-24 16:00:36

There is a public prosecutor who will talk to you before you appear in front of the judge.  Nowadays, the prosecutor himself will offer you the deal, he will offer to take off any points and reduce your offense to a lesser degree, but you need to pay extra so called "court surcharge", it ususally costs around $250.  So if you take the deal, you will not get any points on your driving record, but you will end paying around $500 (the ticket fine + court surcharge).

good luck!



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