我從2009年四月份就聯係了學校的這個工作。七月開始做義務工作(文獻檢索,查閱資料,編寫報告,等等)八月底正式招我入隊,合同寫九月一日開始上班。我們立即去找這個學校的辦事員要求辦H-1B工作準證. 11月2日辦下來了H-1B。11月15日正式拿薪水。(期間我抱怨過她辦事太慢).
還是老樣子,我的老板喜歡壓力管理法,從2009年11月起,跟我之間的內部合同6個月一批,或是3個月一批。我的老板七月時曾”因為手頭有點緊張”想改合同內容, 我說OK, 降我薪水吧,since my wage was $49,999, well above the prevailing wage $32,400. 但係裏的稀裏糊塗辦事員不同意,說應該是縮短工作小時數。我說 OK! 隨你們去辦吧. 從那時我就不知道這些糊塗蟲再幹什麽了!
學校的辦事員在八月二號看到係統裏說我不做工了( In her petition letter,“due to a glitch in our People Soft system a report was generated showing the termination of employment for Dr. Man40”), 她立即給移民局寫了如下的信:
"Dear Adjudicating Officer:
Please cancel the H1B visa for Dr. Man40 effective immediately. He is no longer employed at the University.
Advisor to Foreign Students and Scholors”
後來係統裏八月十幾號後說我是在做工的。她卻忽視了. 學校人事部也指責她為何做事如此輕率. 她給移民局寫完信, 到收到移民局的Notice of Decision, 就從來沒有通知或匯報任何人她做了什麽! …
I am doomed right now! She is really suck. She found this error on Jan.27th, however, she kept quiet and tried to solve it secretly but in an inefficent manner. She knew she was failed when she received decision from USCIS on March 9th, After 2 days of delay, she informed me on March 11, when I signed and accepted the job offer from a manufacturing company. (yes! they happened on the same day. I got the job offer on March 8th!)