我直到看到他們的回複以後上網查找才知道granite countertop需要比較特殊的清理,否則水都會留下印記。而我造成的汙漬基本都是水漬和油漬。這樣需要特別注意和maintain的材料,apartment在我搬進去之前沒有提醒,而在我未知的情況下造成汙漬了,來罰我,是否合理?
Why didn't you check before? Do you feel it is fair for the landlord to pay your mistake? I have never heard or see granite countertop got stained. I am sure most manual for new car never mention that "if you drive and hit a tree, it will damage the car" or something like that. Will you ask car manufacture to pay for your car damage if you hit a tree?