在這先謝謝各位了,這件事情搞得我最近寢食難安。小妹最近從原來的公寓搬出來,收到他們leasing office的賬單,要我為廚房granite countertop stain負擔1200元。這些stain絕大部分都是水漬/油漬。我覺得挺委屈的,我在裏麵居住了2年多,每天大概要燒2頓飯。平時也挺注意衛生的,但是不知道為什麽這些汙漬怎麽都清洗不掉。被charge這麽多覺得挺過分,和他們argue了兩次。現在有以下幾個疑問,向大家請教。
首先對他們的normal wear and tear的定義有疑問。他們的原話是:normal wear and tear is to be defined as deterioration of the premises that occurs during normal conditions。For example, paint may fade, electrical switches may wear out and break, pull strings on blinds may fray or break.These things happened even if the resident cleans regularly and cares for the premises reasonable.Damage occurs from unreasonable use or accidents.Damage can include dented appliances, stains on carpets, and bromen windows ,stained or chipped countertops.而當我在回複中提到對他們這個定義有問題的時候,他們的回複直接就告訴我: simply put, there no dispute as to whether or not the charged items upon move out were due to" normal wear and tear" the term you are choosing to state so as to explain your neglect of cleaning your apartment properly upon move out nor properly caring for your granite counter tops.天地良心,我直到看到他們的回複以後上網查找才知道granite countertop需要比較特殊的清理,否則水都會留下印記。而我造成的汙漬基本都是水漬和油漬。這樣需要特別注意和maintain的材料,apartment在我搬進去之前沒有提醒,而在我未知的情況下造成汙漬了,來罰我,是否合理?
其次,我在這個apartment 居住了兩年,基本上每天都要燒飯,每天都要用水,我造成的這些汙漬能否屬於normal wear and tear麽?
PS:入住的時候,他們wave 掉了security deposit