Landlord has NO right to enter the premise before midnight of 31

'hhhh', Contract is contract.  Just like you buy car insurance, the insurance covers you till the midnight of the expiration day.   Before the midnight of 31st the landlord has no right to enter the property without permission and arrangement with the tenants.  Landlord can bring people to see the house but has to get arrnaged with tenants.   This landlord apparently has violated the rules

'hhhh', I think you must be a loser landlord, maybe your sucked property is under water or what ? For whatever you are so bitter with this poster, I advise you -- In this country, if a fxxx stupid landlord dares to fxxx with a tenant, the landlord will be the lose who loses the game.  I know lot of cheap Chinese landlords like to take advantage of Chinese renters.  One day when they eat a bullet from some mad tenants they would realize what fxxx stupid mistake they have made. 


sounds tough, but true. -smart- 給 smart 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 04/16/2011 postreply 16:56:05
