我可以"release her from lease"麽 & 我有責任提供她我的房子保險麽


我1/7號搬走。那女人1/12搬入。因我已不再城市,她從我鄰居手中拿的鑰匙。我們1/16日晚通的電話。簡短問題。問我房子網絡密碼。一直覺得很幸運,直到1/19晚,她給我發了一個3頁紙的walk through list.列了房子一大堆問題。很多我更本不知道。很多誇大其詞。我很生氣。告訴她"if you are not happy with my house, i can release you from the lease". 她就給我回了這麽個郵件。


I am so sorry. My intention was NOT to attack you in any way. My intention was to be very detailed with my assessment as I do not want to be responsible for anything that I was not responsible for. I have to document absolutely everything or risk being held responsible for it when I move and I am just trying to protect myself. You must understand that.

 I think that the water in the kitchen should be something that you are responsible for.

You asked me to revisit the chimney sweep after I got here and just felt it would be better to be on the safe side.

As a homeowner I had to supply renter with my insurance policy on my home.

 I got new traps yesterday and caught a mouse today so that seems to be working.

I am at a loss. I’ve cried myself to sleep so many times because I didn’t know how to ask for help. I just thought perhaps you could help me out with some of the expense.

I look forward to hearing from you this evening.





 1. 我可以"release her from lease"麽。我隻是那麽一說,如果她不同意,或要求我賠償她搬家費用, 我需要回應麽。

2. 我有責任提供她我的房子保險麽。我用的是landload policy.她第一封郵件中提到“Please provide me with a copy of your insurance policy on the house and property. I am concerned about personal injury as the downspouts drain directly onto the driveway and down to the sidewalks and freezes making it impossible to walk up the drive. You have to make sure you have adequate insurance as this is a hazard。" 我的房子六月才換的siding and gutter and downsprout, 是專業安裝公司裝的。 我擔心她萬一出什麽問題,是我的責任麽?


