Sorry, ther are some typo in previous post

回答: 緊急求救: 遭遇車禍,對方乘客索賠semibull2011-01-06 20:50:25

1.  AAA lawyer failed to settle the case.     He try to not make other side mad policy make the other side believe they have little risky and they think they will get money.   They just push evulope to get more money.

2.  I still believe we can win the case without pay our hard earning money from our pocket.     We need skill to let jury to know  the other guy is pretend to be wounded.

3.  He did go into emergcy room.    He claim neck and chest pain.    He go to physical therapy.    He try to related his lost of construction job to this accident.   He try to ask us for lost wage since the accident and try to pay him for pain and suffering.

4.  To win the case,  we need show he can't be serious wounded.    On the sametime, we need defend the accident main cause is pickup drivers fault.     This is why I post and hope you guys to give ideas.

5.   Our car did turn almost 90 degree on the road.   This is why he hit on the door of driver side.    My point is,   we are have problem on the road,  it is just like an engine break down on the middle of the road.    Can other car behind just hit and get paid?     If this is the case,  they can anyone go to hit a car that have problem on the road and get paid ?

6.   The other side saying our car out of control and suddenly pull in front of him and cause the accident.


Please give me some suggestion and ideas.      Thanks!
