回複:回複:回複:請問單身老貓 about a work zone speed ticket (criminal charge

您應該考慮兩個方式來處理這個案件,一是進入庭審的程序,您的爭議將是警方的測速設備的讀數是否準確,如果您能夠建立一個案件來說明警方沒有適當的校準(calibrate)這個設備,那麼您的案件有可能會不成立 (DC 警方最近被抓到測速設備沒有好好校定,所以兩年將近五百個案件的判決都有可能被推翻)

另外一個方式是您可以在參加 pretrial hearing 時變更您的 plea,選擇認罪並且接受這個罰金,有關什麼是 pretrial hearing 請您參考這個資料
(所以 pretrial hearing 不代表您可以 avoid Jury Trial )

A pretrial hearing is a meeting with the judge that happens before trial, if the parties have not come to an agreement by that point.

Usually, the judge tries to get a sense of how the trial will come out and nudge the parties to compromise along those lines.

Trials consume the judge's time and the state's resources, and usually they end up where the judges expected, so judges try to avoid them, by strongly encouraging the spouses and their lawyers to come to an agreement before an actual trial.

這是一個正式的資料說明什麼是 pretrail hearing與相關注意的事項 (各地的規定可能有所不同,但是大致應該不會差太遠)


In most cases, the judge succeeds, and the spouses and their lawyers do reach final agreement after that.


Thanks a lot, 單身老貓. -newstudent6- 給 newstudent6 發送悄悄話 (2024 bytes) () 06/13/2010 postreply 14:51:21

回複:Thanks a lot, 單身老貓. -單身老貓- 給 單身老貓 發送悄悄話 單身老貓 的博客首頁 (110 bytes) () 06/14/2010 postreply 07:16:20
