與我們有爭議的鄰居 C後來也請來律師,回複了我們的律師信。信中自然是堅持他們有權停車在shared driveway的屬於我家產權的這一邊,理由是easement隻限製了我們家不許停車在那裏,並沒有限製C不準停車的語句。這是事實。但是因為easement 也並沒有說C (以及另一家處於相同位置的B)可以停車,而那一部分地也確實屬於我們家的產權,我們認為我們有權不讓他們停車在我們家這一邊(對於他們停車在屬於他們家產權那一邊的shared driveway我們沒有異議)。
“After reading your response I looked in to the particulars for filing a lawsuit.
In doing so I reread the Declaration with a view towards filing a suit.
The Declaration concerns all four (4) units. So even though your dispute is only with C an outcome of a lawsuit to declare the terms of the declaration would affect the interests of the owners of the other units. Therefore, those owners would be "necessary parties" to the lawsuit.
This means they would need to be sued also. This increases the fees somewhat for filing. The court fees will remain the same approximately $450). The legal fees are increased to the extent of drafting to include their interests (about $1000 total), really very negligible, and also the cost of service on two more defendants, about $100 apiece ($300 total).
As the suit progresses dealing with three attorneys will be more expensive. However, the other owners don't have to fight the suit and may accept the outcome as the only issue is the declaration of whether the easement grant includes the right of parking in that space. I don't imagine the other owner, in the position of C would want to accept that. I know the developer will not want to.
Depending on the defense it could take from six (6) months to two (2) years.
Can you answer a few questions?
1. Are you the first owner of your unit?
2. How long has this parking situation been occurring?
3. Any more than four (4) years?
Please let me know your thoughts in regards to the involvement of the other necessary parties.
You may want to discuss this situation confidentially with the other owner that is in your same situation."
我不想起訴另外兩家。因為另外兩家沒有這個爭執,他們也沒有停車在我們家。我隻想起訴C。我們律師認為因為easement是對四家都有效的,所以我們將來在起訴中要要求法官判決要在easement中加入對C(以及處於相同位置的B)的不準停車的限製。我的理解是,既然easement中並沒有grant 任何權利給C(以及B)停車在我們家(D)以及A的屬地(隻授予B和C drive through我們的地的權利),那我家就沒有必要要求在easement 中做任何修改,我們隻要法官判決我們的對easement的理解是對的(即C不能停車在我們家的地方)就可以了。這個我目前想聽聽我們律師之外的法律達人的意見,所以上來問一下,我的想法對嗎?我家隻起訴C可行嗎?我們一定要把另外兩家拉進來嗎?
Shared Driveway Issue, 打算告上法庭,新問題請教
• Thank you for the update. No knowledge. Good luck! -Comfort.- ♀ (0 bytes) () 03/12/2010 postreply 15:51:53
• 感覺上房產商當時沒寫好,C好象也沒說錯.法律上的就不太懂.好運! -鹽汽水- ♀ (0 bytes) () 03/12/2010 postreply 17:14:39
• 回複:Shared Driveway Issue, 打算告上法庭,新問題請教 -單身老貓- ♂ (73 bytes) () 03/13/2010 postreply 07:06:58
• 謝謝老貓的專業意見。 -qianqianiris- ♀ (0 bytes) () 03/13/2010 postreply 07:58:26
• 但我還有一個問題請教老貓 -qianqianiris- ♀ (693 bytes) () 03/13/2010 postreply 08:11:53
• 回複:但我還有一個問題請教老貓 -單身老貓- ♂ (1146 bytes) () 03/13/2010 postreply 18:47:19
• 謝謝老貓的回複和幫助。 -qianqianiris- ♀ (0 bytes) () 03/14/2010 postreply 04:57:03