Do you have some money to find

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回答: 我不想呆這裏了whiteteeth2004-08-02 08:41:27

Do you have some money to hir a lawyer?

If you were arrested when you leave you may face more seriouse charge. Police may put your name and picture in computer systme and limit your leaving.

Canadian law are similar as UK law.

You need some work to help lawyer that you did not steal so much. You should collect data such as amount of gross income perday of the store, amount you hand in, amount of the store gross income per year, number of day you work there. Anyhow, you need find a way to calculate you can not steal so much.


回複:Do you have some money to find -skyeye- 給 skyeye 發送悄悄話 (1154 bytes) () 08/02/2004 postreply 11:37:04

回複:回複:Do you have some money to find -wastetime- 給 wastetime 發送悄悄話 (55 bytes) () 08/06/2004 postreply 10:30:35

I completely agree. -flyboat- 給 flyboat 發送悄悄話 (61 bytes) () 08/11/2004 postreply 22:03:12
