以前在發貼子的時候講了一下我們的情況,主要就是我們買了全新的 townhouse 搬進來後,發現salesperson許諾的private yard根本就是子虛烏有,而且後麵的yard還留了一條大溝。我們以安全為再由,在溝上建了一個deck,也使後院成了一個yard。但strata council 成立後,一直來信要我們拆了這個deck,但沒有就安全問題給我們任何解決方法。
最近收到council的來信,表示我們可以沿著溝辦建圍欄,但費用自付。為了讓我們能建圍欄,他們順手把bylaw的條款給改了。他們的信中,是這樣寫的:Council has provided landscaping guildlines which will meet the safety issues of your family, in particular, the ability to put fencing as defiend by the guidelines.
1. 建圍欄的費用應該由我們出嗎?那裏是一個common property, 也是因為這個原因,他們要我們拆deck. 既然現在的圍欄是解決一個在common property 上的 safety issue,費用是否應該由 strata council 負責?
2. 他們這樣順手更改bylaw,是否有效?我查了我們當地的Strata Property Act, 對於更改bylaw的程序是這樣寫的:
Bylaw amendment procedures
128 (1) Subject to section 197, amendments to bylaws must be approved at an annual or special general meeting,
(a) in the case of a strata plan composed entirely of residential strata lots, by a resolution passed by a 3/4 vote,
(b) in the case of a strata plan composed entirely of nonresidential strata lots, by a resolution passed by a 3/4 vote or as otherwise provided in the bylaws, or
(c) in the case of a strata plan composed of both residential and nonresidential strata lots, by both a resolution passed by a 3/4 vote of the residential strata lots and a resolution passed by a 3/4 vote of the nonresidential strata lots, or as otherwise provided in the bylaws for the nonresidential strata lots.
(2) An amendment to a bylaw has no effect until an Amendment to Bylaws in the prescribed form is filed in the land title office.
(3) An Amendment to Bylaws must be filed in the land title office within 60 days of the amendment being approved.
(4) The strata corporation must inform owners and tenants of any amendment to the bylaws as soon as feasible after the amendment is approved.
Strata 沒有經過 vote就更改bylaws,是否有效?
• 你建以前從CITY取得PERMIT了嗎? 你通知了HOA了嗎? -紫微星下凡- ♂ (0 bytes) () 10/23/2009 postreply 15:34:17
• 沒有,這就是為什麽我現在要拆這個Deck. 我想知道的是我所問的問題的答複,謝謝! -麥芽媽- ♀ (0 bytes) () 10/23/2009 postreply 18:15:42
• 回複:Strata 沒有經過 vote就更改bylaws,是否有效? -單身老貓- ♂ (625 bytes) () 10/24/2009 postreply 14:06:08
• 謝謝老貓的及時回複,還有一個問題 -麥芽媽- ♀ (349 bytes) () 10/24/2009 postreply 19:49:57
• 天才,真的很天才, 不知您還要不要人家一併幫您付房貸 ? -單身老貓- ♂ (304 bytes) () 10/24/2009 postreply 21:27:58
• 老貓,謝謝您的指點,我不是天才,所以要問您。 -麥芽媽- ♀ (246 bytes) () 10/25/2009 postreply 23:01:45
• 您到底想要幹什麼? 您不列齊所有資料,難到您認為老貓能通靈? -單身老貓- ♂ (811 bytes) () 10/26/2009 postreply 06:34:26