Can you give me the transformation from "one day in heaven" to "oneday on earth". The formula.
So "day" in the Bible is actually "a day in heaven"?
OK, I'll go to church next "Sunday"-- 2億年from now
Can you give me the transformation from "one day in heaven" to "oneday on earth". The formula.
So "day" in the Bible is actually "a day in heaven"?
OK, I'll go to church next "Sunday"-- 2億年from now
• 就在上麵。 -藍山雀- ♀ (303 bytes) () 09/25/2015 postreply 11:38:52
• Too long, tell me .. -Calypso- ♂ (166 bytes) () 09/25/2015 postreply 11:43:19
• I know the age of the universe. -Calypso- ♂ (211 bytes) () 09/25/2015 postreply 11:45:51
• You look like a 修正主義? -Calypso- ♂ (0 bytes) () 09/25/2015 postreply 11:48:01
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