
1) Analyst and number theorist John.E. Littlewood
李特爾伍德 (分析與數論名人)

Hardy and Littlewood

2)the pioneer of weather forecasting and numerical analysis Lewis Fry Richardson(天氣預報和計算流體力學和數值分析的先驅,也是分形學的先驅

Lewis Fry Richardson

3)Number theorist Louis Mordell(數論名人
,證明了Poincaré的一個猜想). He discovered the result for which he is best known, namely the finite basis theorem (or Mordell–Weil theorem ), which proved a conjecture of Henri Poincaré.

Louis Mordell

4) Mordell brought in Reinhold Baer, G. Billing, Paul Erdős(數學怪人,發表了
1,525篇數學論文,解決了大量數學問題), Chao Ko (柯召,the Erdős–Ko–Rado theorem and his breakthrough on Catalan's conjecture), Kurt Mahler, and Beniamino Segre. He also recruited J. A. Todd, Patrick du Val, Harold Davenport, L. C. Young.

Paul Erdős

4) Douglas Hartree (開發差分儀,原子物理學裏的Hartree方程及其數值解法Hartree-Fock方法,
離子介值裏電磁波波動方程Appleton–Hartree equation) made an earlier contribution building a differential analyser. The machine was used for ballistics calculations as well calculating railway timetables. He is also well know for developing numerical analysis (Hartree-Fock Method) and its application to the Hartree–Fock equations of atomic physics
Douglas Hartree

5) Topologist and cryptanalyst Max Newman(建造了世界第一台能運行的電子計算機).

Max Newman

6) Newman recruited computer science pioneer Alan Turing (現代計算機科學先驅)

Alan Turing

7) Fluid dynamicist Sydney Goldstein
Taylor–Goldstein equation,對流體力學,特別是邊界層理論和湍流有主要貢獻)
Sydney Goldstein

8) James Lighthill, a fluid dynamicist (超音速飛行與超音速民用航空和衛星的先驅和領導者).

James Lighthill

9) Bernhard Neumann, an influential group theorist(
Petr–Douglas–Neumann theorem).
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/87/Bernhard_Neumann.jpg/300px-Bernhard_Neumann.jpgBernhard Neumann

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