“黑洞是根據現代的廣義相對論所預言的,。。。迄今為止,黑洞的存在已被天文學界和物理學界的絕大多數研究者所認同。為什麽會被研究者認同,因為有實驗證據證明它的存在。 請讀下一段,摘自wikipedia。
"Despite its invisible interior, a black hole can be observed through its interaction with other matter. A black hole can be inferred by tracking the movement of a group of stars that orbit a region in space. Alternatively, when gas falls into a stellar black hole from a companion star, the gas spirals inward, heating to very high temperatures and emitting large amounts of radiation that can be detected from earthbound and Earth-orbiting telescopes.
Astronomers have identified numerous stellar black hole candidates, and have also found evidence of supermassive black holes at the center of galaxies. In 1998, astronomers found compelling evidence that a supermassive black hole of more than 2 million solar masses is located near the Sagittarius A* region in the center of the Milky Way galaxy. Recent results indicate that the supermassive black hole is more than 4 million solar masses."