
回答: http://arxiv.org/abs/astro-ph/0510535人類拯救計劃2010-06-06 10:04:58


Galaxies appear simpler than expected
Authors: M. J. Disney, J. D. Romano, D. A. Garcia-Appadoo, A. A. West, J. J. Dalcanton, L. Cortese
(Submitted on 10 Nov 2008)
Abstract: Galaxies are complex systems the evolution of which apparently results from the interplay of dynamics, star formation, chemical enrichment, and feedback from supernova explosions and supermassive black holes. The hierarchical theory of galaxy formation holds that galaxies are assembled from smaller pieces, through numerous mergers of cold dark matter. The properties of an individual galaxy should be controlled by six independent parameters including mass, angular-momentum, baryon-fraction, age and size, as well as by the accidents of its recent haphazard merger history. Here we report that a sample of galaxies that were first detected through their neutral hydrogen radio-frequency emission, and are thus free of optical selection effects, shows five independent correlations among six independent observables, despite having a wide range of properties. This implies that the structure of these galaxies must be controlled by a single parameter, although we cannot identify this parameter from our dataset. Such a degree of organisation appears to be at odds with hierarchical galaxy formation, a central tenet of the cold dark matter paradigm in cosmology.
Comments: 26 pages, 14 figures
Subjects: Astrophysics (astro-ph)
Journal reference: Nature455:1082-1084,2008
DOI: 10.1038/nature07366
Cite as: arXiv:0811.1554v1 [astro-ph]

Submission history
From: Joseph Romano [view email]
[v1] Mon, 10 Nov 2008 19:38:05 GMT (2110kb)
