
來源: 滿地找牙 2012-07-25 12:37:17 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (15963 bytes)




科羅拉多電影院,19歲的黑人男青年Jarell Brooks,一舉救助素昧平生的年輕母親Patricia Legarreta,以及她的2個孩子,4個月大的兒子Ethan和4歲的女兒Azeria。英雄和美女雖然都中彈,倒是索性均無大礙。




一個媽帶2個不懂事的孩子半夜去看黑騎士?奇怪嗎?不是。還有一個未婚的爸Jamie Rohrs。孩兒他爸哪裏去了?啊,那個,先行一步,飛快的衝出了電影院,而且跳上汽車,以迅雷不及掩耳盜鈴之勢,開車奔馳的不知去向。對了,他本來倒是捏著4個月的兒子,打算一起跑,怎奈兒子哭聲震天,為了避免吸引子彈火力,這個未婚爹把兒子放在影院地上,獨自奪門而出........WTF




話說英雄救美,大家都去了醫院。這個未婚爹又冒了出來,居然找到醫院,居然當著被自己拋棄的孩子們的麵前,居然向被自己拋棄在影院槍林彈雨中的女友求婚......wholly shit





這個腦殘的的女友居然答應了無敵男友的求婚......“you should punch him in the face!!!”這是今天早上新聞主持人的評價。








Justin Whitesel---Who can actually watch this and not see and hear the bullshit this guy spews? And what sort of mental handicap does this woman have? Why isn't the real hero Jarrel Brooks getting the recognition he deserves? "Hey babe, lets bring our 2 babi...es to a midnight movie then I'm gonna ditch you guys while some guy is trying to kill us and let some teenager take care of you. When it's safe I'll come back and propose and you'll say yes."



Derrick Anthony Bonner---As a hu*****and and father who would lay down my life for it disgusts me that this punk azz coward abandoned his family when they needed him most. He should feel ashamed that another man had to do his job for him and save his family getting shot in the process. And to add insult to injury he has gall to propose to her.


Jolene K Morgan---He admitted to "putting" (i say he probably dropped him) the baby on the stairs, jumped over the balcony and ran for his life. Why? Because eh thought his SON's crying would make the shooter focus on him. So instead he ran like a ***** and ... left his children and 'fiancee" to die. And to the moron who said we are "victimizing him" Get a f*cking life. He victimized his own damn family and it could have cost his sons life. He needs to be put in jail for neglect/child endangerment/ anything else the authorities can find to prosecute him with! Fucking lowlife. PERIOD.


Alex Reyes---Jarell Brooks is the hero and this ***** didn't even thank him. DISGUSTING!


Magali Haueissen---disgusting prick!! why not interview the other man who went back to help this mother and her 2 children? not this selfish, crying, less of a man coward! that left a tiny baby on the floor, the mom of He's child and a 4 year old stepdaughter... behind and run out! and now He proposed?? he makes me gag and want to vomit, please lady wake up!! You are lucky to still have your children alive thanks to the other man who went back for You and your children and got shot .


Mitzi Vanderlinden Bishop---She should be marrying the HERO that shielded her and her baby from that phycho! This pathetic excuse of a man who abandoned his family at such a horrific moment only to selfishly think of himself, should be abandoned by her.


Pat McKell ---This guy is a COWARD and should stay off TV....oh, btw honey..AFTER 2 kids he asks you to marry him?...PLEASE....HE LEFT YOU TO DIE and you're baby on a floor.........Good job taking an infant and a 6 yr old not only to a pg-13 movie but a midnight movie.....TRASH



Scott Brown ---Jamie Rohrs is a coward. I sure hope this young lady really thinks about what she accepted from him on his proposal. Jamie Rohrs you should be ashamed of yourself putting yourself before your kids and GF. Jarell Brooks a 19yo young man showed something you dont have.... Jarell Brooks you are gonna make some young lady a happy person. I hope your not forgotten about.... Jamie Rohrs time for you to step out of the spot light.


Alexander Papas ---You know he ran out of the theater and left his girlfriend and two kids inside and only found them later at the hospital. His girlfriend and a 19 year old man who went back inside to help her were both shot. This guy is a dumb idiot.


Deirdre George Davis--- This "man" left his family behind!!!! What else needs to be said. Shes crazy if she marries him.



Steve Prekup---So let me get this straight: McStudly knocks up this girl not once, but twice (unmarried), decides it is a priority to take an infant and a toddler to a midnight premier of Batman, runs away when the shooting starts, leaving the mother to ...shield their kids on her own, then decides that the worst mass shooting incident in recent history is a good time to propose marriage? Did I get that all correctly? I think that young lady may need to raise her standards for men, just a tad....








嗑瓜子嗑出個臭蟲 -biglow- 給 biglow 發送悄悄話 biglow 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 07/25/2012 postreply 14:08:18

你們哥倆可真親,換個屋還是上下鋪。我隻能鑽床底下啦。 -nonego- 給 nonego 發送悄悄話 nonego 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 07/25/2012 postreply 14:25:18

結婚就是對那男滴懲罰 :) -朱哥靚- 給 朱哥靚 發送悄悄話 朱哥靚 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 07/25/2012 postreply 14:55:52

英雄救美,狗熊求婚,腦殘開心 滿地找牙 -脂肪豆- 給 脂肪豆 發送悄悄話 脂肪豆 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 07/25/2012 postreply 15:30:03

真不可思議。 -稻穗兒- 給 稻穗兒 發送悄悄話 稻穗兒 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 07/25/2012 postreply 15:58:50

What's the problem? -LAChinese- 給 LAChinese 發送悄悄話 (97 bytes) () 07/25/2012 postreply 20:34:25

回複:What's the problem? -qqmaniac- 給 qqmaniac 發送悄悄話 (14 bytes) () 07/25/2012 postreply 22:01:54

喔靠 -kiki-wq- 給 kiki-wq 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 07/26/2012 postreply 02:16:41

唉,沒辦法,也隻能他們倆一塊過了 -雁翎隊- 給 雁翎隊 發送悄悄話 雁翎隊 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 07/26/2012 postreply 10:08:02



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