
來源: idiot94 2012-05-19 05:18:09 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (692 bytes)
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回答: No. 9 沒看懂.tgifriday2012-05-18 22:24:50

There were two big guys in a bar, a german and a russian, arguing about whether german men are tougher or russian men are tougher. ... eventually the bartender said, enough talking, why don't you guys go out in that forest to do something to prove who is the toughest dude in the world?

So the german went out first, and came back in 10 minutes, wounded, but he proudly claimed that he just killed a bear with bare hands. Everyone is impressed, except the Russian, who went out at this time.

After 40 minutes, the door was knocked, and when it is opened, the russian fell inside, with all kind of wounds around his body. Yet proudly he said, "I just fucked a bear"



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