聰明的律師, 也會犯傻 (真人真事)
A Smart Lawyer (Ture Story)
1. 聰明的律師, 也會犯傻.
一年輕聰明的律師, 參加Bar Exam, 一次就通過. 20幾歲就自己有律師事務所. 剛成立時, 急於接任何案子.
一次接了一案子, 是有關 “ Bank Embezzlement ”。
這個 Defendant 工作在銀行, Stole 了 Money. 因為留有很多犯法證據, 所以明擺著是 “Guilt” 案子 這個Defendant對這位年輕律師說: 我給你錢, 隻要你幫我把案子盡量推遲. 年輕律師答應接這個案子.
這位律師很聰明, 案子正如那位Defendant 所願, 一推再推. 最後, 律師收到一張從這位 Defendant 寄來的數額蠻大的銀行支票作為律師費。
在Deposit這張支票時, 銀行告訴他: This is a fake check!
當然,這位Defendant 這時已經逃離出境…原來他需要一定時間折騰轉移財產…
2. Bar jokes, beer, booze and fun! (這是轉載的)
A guy walked into a bar and said "Beers for everyone, even you, Bartender." But when it was time to pay, the guy didn't have the money, so the bartender beat him up.
The next day the guy did the same thing, ordered a beer for everyone, even the bartender, and the bartender beat him up since the guy couldn't pay.
Then the next day, the guy said "Beers for everyone! But not you, bartender!" The bartender said "Why?" The guy replied "You're violent when you're drunk!"
3. What do you do when you see a shark? (這是轉載的)
I was talking on the phone with my son, who was stationed in Hawaii with the Air Force. He was explaining how the troops were learning to scuba-dive. They used the buddy system, he said, and occasionally dived into shark-infested waters. Listening on the extension, my daughter asked, "What do you do when you see a shark?"
Said my son, "Swim faster than my buddy."