1. 美麗與漂亮
一中年婦女參加一個大型PARTY, 幾個男人女人都稱讚她看起來好年輕,好美麗, 很是得意. 回到家裏.問老公,為什麽人們總是說我美麗,不過從來不說我漂亮. 老公想了一下, 說:估計歲數太大.
2. America Is Beautiful
一APPLE公司女職員, 負責測試硬件。有一個幾乎不會講英語的越南人為她工作. 一天, 她受到老板批評, 工作不順利, 心情極其不好. 這個越南人觀後, 一字一句的慢慢地對她說: Relax, Get Paid, America is beautiful!
3. 輕微老年癡呆症
4. Real Diamonds( 這是轉載的)
The minute I walked into the post office, the postmaster noticed the beautiful diamond earrings my hu*****and had just given me.
"Those must be real diamonds," she said.
"Yes, they are." I was thrilled she'd noticed. "How could you tell?"
"Because," she said, "no one buys fake diamonds that small."