桑巴 倫巴 吉特巴
都比不上 浪吧嗒
浪吧嗒 Lambada 源自巴西,80年代紅火起來的拉丁舞
男長褲 女短裙 舞臀 側走橫行 不前後 為特點的 活潑浪漫 熱烈煽情 男女雙人舞
Lambada is generally danced with arched legs,
with the steps being from side to side,
turning or even swaying,
and in its original form never front to back,
with a pronounced movement of the hips.
At the time when the dance became popular, short skirts for women were in fashion and men wore long trousers, and the dance has become associated with such clothing, especially for women wearing short skirts that swirl up when the woman spins around, typically revealing 90s-style thong underwear.
【小生 撰製 2011-10】