傍晚去中國店買完貨了才發現沒用足夠的現金,coun’t find my check book either. 我就去ATM取錢,沒能用卡打開隔離門時,裏麵的那個正在用ATM的老人回身幫我把門打開,我一進門說了聲thank you,老人順勢走出門去了。嘿,怎麽這麽巧?!Looked at the ATM, I was confused for quite a time about how to use it since it looked different from what I used long time ago. To be exactly, I couldn’t find the slot to insert my debit card. 我看了一下ATM的屏幕,咦! 不對呀! 怎麽是詢問要”接著交易”還是”退卡”呢?我一按“接著交易”,謔!….我趕緊回去按“退卡”,卡真的吐出來了! 是一張 visa debit card of BoA. 我一拿到卡, 立馬轉身,伸手拉開門,衝了出去。趕緊東張西望,沒人,左手邊大概五輛車外有一舊式敞篷跑車,正在倒退。我本能地跑了過去,嘿,那老人,正要開車走呢。我手舉著卡,衝向老人. 那老人著實嚇了一跳 (想打劫?) 當看到我手中的卡後,他先是一臉疑惑(我是劉謙同黨?),然後立即停下車,放下車窗,伸手驚異地接過卡,長長地說了聲: “thank you so much!” 我能感受到他的真誠驚訝和謝意(誰讓我長的象中國人?!)I kept on waving my finger pointing at him, spelled out with smile two words: “be careful!” Then, …後悔啊!我轉身跑回ATM了, 竟然沒有說:”I am not a Japanese, I am a Chinese, from mainland China.” Kao!!! 下次,我該說啥?!
"老人啊老人,健忘啊,真得小心! Help people to open door during his ATM transaction, but when seeing an opened door, 老人will execute the next task (exit from the door) immediately without finishing his current one (use ATM)"
回到家在餐桌上一講,被LP罵了句:”笨蛋”,不一會兒,5歲的小兒子接岔道:”Money is money” 謔!禪理呀!! … (就象老和尚舉一根指頭回答百問一樣。)