
回答: 請解釋下文中每個“意思”的意思tyhongau2011-02-05 05:36:17

For a chuckle....

When A-Dai recently handed his boss a little red packet containing money, the ensuing conversation that passed between them turned out to be quite a piece of doublespeak art.

Boss: "You really ought not have done this."

A-Dai: "It is nothing - nothing more than a token (of goodwill, respect, etc.)."

B: "All the same, it is entirely unnecessary."

A: "Just a trifle. Just a trifle, indeed."

B: "You surely know a thing or two about me."

A: "Come to think of it, it really is no more than a trifle."

B: "Well, if you put it that way, I'd better drop the topic."

A: "Please do - it is I who shall be most pleased when you do."


