PIT機動(精確製停技術),也稱為TVI(戰術車輛幹預),是一種執法追擊策略,其中追趕車輛迫使另一輛車突然側向,導致駕駛員失去控製並停車。它由 BSR Inc. 開發,並於 1988 年首次由美國弗吉尼亞州費爾法克斯縣警察局使用。
The PIT maneuver (precision immobilization technique), also known as TVI (tactical vehicle intervention), is a law enforcement pursuit tactic in which a pursuing vehicle forces another vehicle to turn sideways abruptly, causing the driver to lose control and stop. It was developed by BSR Inc. and first used by the Fairfax County Police Department in Virginia, United States, in 1988.