I understand

回答: we are very honest.iamsamk2005-01-08 09:05:42

Thanks ithink,

I totally understand your advice, and I appreciated it.

The thing bothering me is not your post but the fact that My parents and I took so many effort to prepare the material for the application (second time), trying very hard to kiss they *ss in order to get the visa, which we think that we SHOULD get a long time ago. And we are all very decent people - I work really hard in the states and obey all the laws and rules, but they fail us sometime for no reason. Now, all I want is a little bit flexibility of my parents travel plan, and I think that shouldn't be a big deal, it's not like they are not going to go back to China.

Anyway, I have to admit I give up...

I will ask my parents to update their travel plan (they already bought the discount tickets and it's said that it can't be changed, so we might lost some money).

Thanks again.


回複:I understand -arivigne- 給 arivigne 發送悄悄話 (377 bytes) () 01/08/2005 postreply 10:47:17

I agree -iamsamk- 給 iamsamk 發送悄悄話 (1104 bytes) () 01/08/2005 postreply 11:28:48

回複:I agree -marktwain- 給 marktwain 發送悄悄話 (45 bytes) () 01/08/2005 postreply 15:03:40
