1. 完全沒有必要,浪費錢。美國公民的配偶、父母、和未婚21歲以下孩子是Immediate Relative類型。無論無身份多少年都不會影響他們Adjustment of Status(就是在美國境內申請綠卡的過程)。無論黑多少年,如果不離開美國就沒有ban,不需要豁免或任何其他特殊手續。
2. I-539 instructions要求申請B2身份延期和轉身份到B2的都需要附上一個聲明,其中要說:
If you are filing for an extension/change, you must file your application with the original Form I-94 for each person included in your application. In addition, you must submit a typed or written statement explaining in detail:
B. The reasons why your extended stay would be temporary, including what arrangements you have made to depart from the United States; and