
來源: 863211 2022-11-09 10:18:32 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (3664 bytes)

白老師,大概兩月前我請教過一個關於我父母綠卡登陸的問題,(相關帖子 。

象我帖子裏所述,我母親已經早早拿到綠卡, 按規定,她的登錄時間是下月初。而我父親上次重新提交 的Civil Document的審核在近兩個月的等待後前天終於也等來了結果,但很不幸,再次被打回來了,打回來的原因仍然是不可解的:"Part of this document is missing or is difficult to read. Please replace this with a scan that shows the complete text of the document. Please ensure all sides of EVERY PAGE are scanned and visible. Please visit for further guidance.”. 這已經是他在這一步驟的第四次被打回,我們已經確實不知道該如何Fix this problem了。

-t seems your scanner does not work well and thus, the scanned documents were difficult to read. You may need to find a good scanner to do it again. Check the scanned dcouments to make sure the dcouments is clear to read before upload them to NVC.


盡管現在他的綠卡申請卡在上麵那一步, 但我爸想跟我媽這回一起攜行的意願非常強烈。他們現在都是加拿大公民,這回來我這兒大概就呆個一兩個月吧,理論上持加拿大護照來美是自由出入的,但因現在他所處時機比較特殊,我還是想確定一下在他的正在審核的綠卡申請窗口裏來,

a) 會對他進入美國海關有什麽影響嗎,

-It is possible he has a problem to enter US due to immigrant intent. But not hurt him to try.

b) 或者對他的進一步綠卡申請有影響嗎-No.

c) 有什麽需要注意什麽嗎-He needs to convince the officer at the port of entry that he will return to Canada after shortly visiting US and then, apply for the immigrant visa in Canada if the officer asks his immigration case.



也就是說在入關時the officer在係統裏能直接看到並很可能發問他正在申請綠卡的case, 如是,則如實相告? -德迷24年- 給 德迷24年 發送悄悄話 (953 bytes) () 11/09/2022 postreply 11:24:55

Reply -863211- 給 863211 發送悄悄話 863211 的博客首頁 (1752 bytes) () 11/09/2022 postreply 11:52:22

謝謝白老師 -德迷24年- 給 德迷24年 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 11/09/2022 postreply 12:13:08



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