我回看了一下,果然父親的那幾個公證, notarial 內容本身雖沒有問題,中英文對照準確,但問題應該出在缺少後麵兩頁,即“證明公證書的英文譯本內容與該公證書中文原本內容相符”那兩頁(奇怪的是母親人公證書也一樣沒有,但卻審核通過)。
那麽,我下麵去找翻譯公司,是隻用補上這個缺少的“certificate stating that the English translation is in conformity with the Chinese original.”, 然後與原公證書一起上傳就行了?
-It should be fine, but you need the new translation and the translator needs to write a statenment addressing that he/she knows both English and Chinese well and the translationis accurate, etc. You may find a certified Translation Services to do it for you (Google "USCIS translation services" to find one). You may need to pay the service fee (several teen dollars).