8 老師, 兄弟姐妹移民因為是共產黨員被拒簽了。兄弟無所謂, 隻是侄女想來美國!有什麽辦法嗎?侄女不是共產黨黨員。領事館會單獨發簽證給侄女嗎?美國應該不會搞株連這套吧?
-If your brother is not qulaifed for the immigrant visa, then the entire family members are not qulaifed for the immigrant visa either becuase your brother is the primary beneficiary. So, your brother had better explain why he joined the Party (e.g. emloyment, promotion needed, etc.), what activities he participated in (e.g., Party group routine meeting, activities, etc.) following the requirement in the US Consulate letter. You may consult a immigrant lawyer.