
本帖於 2022-06-27 15:08:54 時間, 由普通用戶 863211 編輯

共產黨, 他說美國不是信仰自由嗎?共產主義就是他的信仰!現在她侄女很傷心, 不能回來完成學業。不知道怎麽辦!

-He does not need to abandon his Party membership. Just answer the questions in the US Consulate letter and provide it to the US Consulate such as it is necessary for him to join the Party for his empoyment and postion promotion (it is true, isn't it?), etc. Many Chinese Communist Party members have immigrated to US. So, as long as he answers the questions well, he has a big chance to get the visa.

I don't know whether there is an immigant lawyer in China who deals with immigration issue to US. If no, you may consult an immigrant lawyer in US who was born from Mainland China. 



好的! 感謝8 老師 -新手上路2020- 給 新手上路2020 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 06/27/2022 postreply 15:22:49
