
回答: 幫實驗室同事問個緊急問題cutebean2022-02-28 12:22:48

他是他們國家的J1 做博後 老婆是J2

做了兩年博後後他決定 apply for NIW Eb2

去年三月做了212E Waiver 這樣不用回他們國家

去年七月交上了NIW的 Eb2綠卡申請

今年他找工作找到了tenure track 我們都為他高興

結果他的J1 visa這個月過期 但是老板還要留他到六月一號 學校發現沒法extend J1了 因為212E waiver的事

我不是很懂J visa的事,幫他來這裏問一下

是不是他唯一的選擇就是premium H1b?同時新學校也可以做H1b的申請,同時申請,但是開始的時間不同。

-Yes, he can ask the school to file I-129 to change his J-1 status to H-1B now. He can use premium to get it approved in 15 days. The HR of the school or the lawyer the school hired knows how to do it. He needs to provide the copy of the J-1 waiver approval notice. Then, he can do the H-1B transfer to the new school for the tenure-track job after he finishes his current J-1 program.





不明白 -akc- 給 akc 發送悄悄話 (168 bytes) () 02/28/2022 postreply 17:45:05

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You’re right. Glad it’s a public or non profit one. -akc- 給 akc 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 02/28/2022 postreply 19:32:43
