1.我父親已去世,在Information About Your Parents, (34)City/Town/Village of Residence, (35) Country of Residence, 是填“deceased”, 還是填去世前住址?
-Write "Deceased".
2. 我是按照戶口本地址填寫Beficiary在中國住址,可表上空間不夠,填不全。
-Use hand writing.
-When NVC send you instructions, the beneficiary (your relative) can assign the petitioner (you) or lawyer to be the agent, thus NVC will send the notice to the petitioner or the lawyer.
3. Beneficiary’s Physical Address (11)填國內住址,the address in the United States where the beneficiary intends to live
(12) 填我美國住址,可以嗎?
4. 130表上不能電子輸入N/A, 不需填的欄目,是空著,還是填”NO” “NONE”, 還是打印出來手填N/A? -Leave it blank.
5. 在Information About Beneficiary (57) 和(58)要填中文,我試著電子輸入,58.f. Country這欄不接受中文,是手填“中國”,還是寫英文”China”. 要寫”China PRC”嗎?
-If ask for writing Chinese, you can use handwriting.