
朋友2011年8月拿到投資移民綠卡,每年大約隔半年左右來美一次,夏天呆60天左右,冬天15天左右,前後可能在美國呆了不到一年,現在準備申請兩年re-entry ,請教如下問題:

  1. 申請表格就是I-131, 填有關re-entry 部分,對?-Right.
  2. 所需材料是I-131, 護照複印件,綠卡正反麵複印件,兩張照片(好像不需要),一封信解釋為什麽需要申請re-entry和為什麽需要加急處理, G1145, 費用$575+$85=$660, 對?-Yes, two photos are needed.
  3. 表格中Part 1, No. 6 Class of Admission, 該選哪項?好像沒有綠卡的選項?-put your green card category (find it on your green card) such as E26, etc.
  4. 表格中Part 3, No. 2 Expected length of Trip (in days),  如果敲720 (兩年),好像隻能填進去兩位數,可以手寫?-Fine.
  5. 表格中Part 3, No. 5 如果選To the US address shown in Part 1, 朋友在打完指紋後就可以離開,收到批準的re-entry後,可以請別人帶回中國,對?-Yes.
  6. 表格中Part 4, No. 1a, 可以填“dealing with business in China”做為申請理由,對?-Fine.
  7. 表格中Part 5, No. 1a, 過去5年中有多少時間在美國以外,朋友至少應該有3 to 4  years, 甚至 more than 4 years,  會有什麽問題?-It should be fine>
  8. 朋友是希望現在申請,可以很快回去,re-entry可以加急?-No. But you can ask for expedited processing for biometrics appointment. After conducting the biometrics,  you can leave.  See:     如何辦理?是不是必須等打完指紋才能離開?一般來講,多久可以打指紋?
  9. Re-entry 如果批準了,意味著朋友可以在美國以外呆超過一年,但不超過兩年,對?-Yes.如果兩年內朋友往返中美之間,也是可以的?-Yes.如果兩年內多次往返中美之間,還受這個re-entry什麽限製?-The problem is that if you go and forth between China and US, the IO at the port of entry may give you trouble if you do not have the reentry permit.
  10. Re-entry可以申請幾次?還是就隻有一次?-No limit by law, but if you apply for more than twice, USCIS may not approve it unless you have very strong reasons.