
我的老公不願意做擔保,我姐姐的經濟狀況符合擔保標準,所以請她來做副擔保人。如果這樣的話,是不是需要我來填I-864表和I-864a表,我姐姐隻需要填寫I-864a表?那麽她的I-864a表中的的household member應該是誰?您說是她們家所有成員,需要每個人都填一張表嗎?

-No I-864A is needed. You need to file two I-130 forms and I-864 forms, respectively, for your father and mother. Your sister also needs to file two separately I-864 forms, respectively, for your father and mother. She is the joint sponsor. She needs to put her income and her household size (she, her husband, kids) into hert I-864. So do you.

另外Part 5中, Intending Immigrant Number 1 和 Intending Immigrant Number 2 分別填寫了我父親和母親的信息。

-One I864 is for your father, another is for your mother as I said above.  So, the intending immigrant is either your father or your mother on one I-864. The two cases are separate.

那麽在(Indicate Number)這一項中,應該填2對嗎?

-In Part 5, put "1" in item #1, put "1" in item #6.  Becauseyour spouse has income, you may just leave item #3 blank. Put your child number in item #4. Thus your total household size in item = 1 +1 (yourself) + 1 (if you have one child) + 1 = 4 (if you have only one child). 

