去年八月交了485 等相關文件。後來有了EAD, AP. 東家不太願意給延H1B,以及別的原因, 現在換雇主。
我是H1b, 妻子有她自己的H1B, 15歲的兒子的H4 靠在我, 我們是加拿大公民。新雇主雇傭的新律師前天交了我的H1B 轉換雇主和延期。兒子和妻子最近去中國了, 他們回來時, 將在入境處, 把兒子換靠在妻子的H1B 上。
我通知了此前一直辦理我這個案子的老律師, 我給老雇主的最後工作日期是今天。 老律師給我私人郵箱發來郵件要我辦理全家的EAD 和AP, 要收費1680 刀。
-The lwayer knows how to cheat your money.
老雇主顯然不在負責這些費用, 新雇主也不知道還有EAD和AP, 看樣子, 費用得我出。
妻子和我都有H1B, 還需要EAD 嗎?
-Not necessary at all.
如還需要, 為了省錢,我自己可以辦理EAD 和AP 嗎?
-Of course, you can. It is very simple procedure and just follow the I-131 and I-765 Instructions. You also can Google to find the related information. By the way, the I-765 filing and I-131 filing are free (no filing fee) by providing the copy of I-485 receipt notice.
-Not yet until your I-485 is approved.
那麽, 我的移民案子誰來辦理?
-The old lawyer has the responsibility because you or your employer have paid him/her the service fee already. But normally there is not extra paperwork anymore unless there is something unusual.
485 交了後的等待過程中, 好像也沒律師什麽事了?-Right.