謝謝8老師,我查了一下我的銀行賬戶,上麵顯示扣錢$580,check#1053 USCIS DALLAS PAYMENT ARC ID: 後麵這裏是數字。
請問這些數字是receipt number嗎?
-Sometimes (not always) USCIS may put the case receipt number on the back of the cleared check. The receipt number format has three letters at the begainning and then, followed by 9 to 11 numbers, e.g. SRC123456789; LIN9876543210. If the number format on the back of the cleared check is like that, then it is the receipt number. If no, it is not receipt number, but you still may contact USCIS to see whether they can find your I-140 receipt number by telling USCIS that ID number on your cleared check, your name, birth date, passport number, etc.