我已經有1-140了,我在等待排期。但是我RENEW了我的TN visa,是郵寄辦的,已經批準從9月1日生效,我請教的問題是,1.怎樣激活這個新的TN Visa?
-Do you mean you extented your TN status by filing I-129 within US and got it approved? If so, the approval notice should have I-94, and thus you don't need to do anything (not need 激活), and just stay in US and wwork.
2,我原來的TN有效期到9月1日,那麽我能提早激活我的新的TN 嗎?
3.我妻子持有中國護照,如何RENEW她的 TD 更好?沒有拿到1-140前是在美國的住加拿大使館更新的。
-She can file I-539 to extend her TD status within US before her TD I-94 expires.