1. 我目前在美國拿F1學生簽證讀碩士,現在在美國已經待了6個月以上(2015.8- ),依照移民局要求應該要開具police certificate。但是我上網查了一下,說分為很多種,有city的,state的,和national的。越往後的種類開的時間越久。但是看到NVC上麵有一段話
Note: Present and former residents of the United States do NOT need to submit any U.S. police certificates.
-You may just get one from the local US Police Department (County, not Cilty), just in case. It is very easy to get it, anyway.
2. 我的大姨是petitioner,母親是主要申請人,父親和我是company,已經提交了DS-260表格。父親的黨員身份令我們很擔心。他是處級幹部,並且是分管propaganda。在“是否是黨員底下”一欄底下我們如實打了鉤,但是在底下的complain裏麵填寫得太過簡略,就說了是因為獲得更好工作才入黨,
-That is enough.
-No, but if he can get a letter from the local Party Branch Secretary (or his former Party comrade) to verify the withdrawal of his Party membership, that will be very helpful.
-Not need, and just provide the explanation and membership withdrawal proof (if any) to the VO officer during his visa ineterview.
3. 父親的黨員幹部身份是否對全家移民造成很大影響?
-Yes, if any.
4. 聽說麵試的時候VO會給一封類似自願退黨的保證書簽字?請問是否屬實?
-No. 自願退黨 application should be submitted to the Party Organization. The VO only needs the 自願退黨 proof, if any.
5. 因為暑假要跟教授做研究的關係,我不能回國太久,請問把父親黨員因素考慮在內,整個體檢+麵試+等待批複到最後收到護照可以來美國大概需要多長時間?
-It is hard to say, case by case. You may not need to go back to China until you receive the Visa inetrview Appointment Notice from NVC or the US Consulate.