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回答: Reply8632112015-02-03 21:37:29

我自己是petitioner,有一個自己的LLC,以其收入作為生活來源,是不是也滿足job offer from petitioning company所滿足的要求?
-Technically it is practical as long as you work in your company in the field of your EB-1A petition. The question is that what kind of the visa you use to enter US and work for your own company before you get the green card.


另外,我人不在美國,也沒有美國工作visa, 我能為自己的注冊在美國的LLC工作嗎?比如說我不但出售現成的軟件,還為客戶開發新的軟件。

If you are in US, you can file I-485 to get your green card and apply for the EAD to work. You don't need to have a job offer to file I-485 at the beginning, and if USCIS send you RFE, then you can provide the evidence of your self-employment, or just provide a personal statement of how you intend to remain in the US after receiving a green card continuing in your field of expertise if you don't have a company or job offer.

我不在美國,暫時也沒有合適的簽證去美國,所以沒法交I-485,隻能走consular processing.


