
我的EB1A I-140已經批了,現在在國內consular processing申請移民簽證。簽證申請指南上說要提供一個job offer from petitioning company,以證明我和家人去了美國不會成為public charge

但是我是self-petitioned,沒有簽證指南上要求的petitioning company出的offer,要拿其他美國公司的offer也比較困難,因為沒法去美國onsite。

我能不能自己在美國消費較低的州注冊一個LLC,比如Mississipi, Georgia,然後運營一兩年,從中國和美國接幾個項目做。貌似可以通過registered agency 進行注冊,不知可行不可行?

 等申請簽證的時候,把公司的注冊表,稅單,每年的annual report 的複印件,還有在美國的銀行的存款statement,提交給簽證中心,證明我是LLC的唯一owner,並且我的LLC有穩定收入(例如每年有3萬美金左右的收入),足夠我移民去美國以後的消費。這樣可以用來作為job offer的替代嗎?

我自己是petitioner,有一個自己的LLC,以其收入作為生活來源,是不是也滿足job offer from petitioning company所滿足的要求?
-Technically it is practical as long as you work in your company in the field of your EB-1A petition. The question is that what kind of the visa you use to enter US and work for your own company before you get the green card.

If you are in US, you can file I-485 to get your green card and apply for the EAD to work. You don't need to have a job offer to file I-485 at the beginning, and if USCIS send you RFE, then you can provide the evidence of your self-employment, or just provide a personal statement of how you intend to remain in the US after receiving a green card continuing in your field of expertise if you don't have a company or job offer.


reply -jw9345u7804- 給 jw9345u7804 發送悄悄話 (1691 bytes) () 02/03/2015 postreply 21:44:42

求問8老師:人不在美國,沒有綠卡,能為自己成立的LLC工作嗎? -jw9345u7804- 給 jw9345u7804 發送悄悄話 (133 bytes) () 02/08/2015 postreply 20:53:03
