急!!請問8老師和皮匠老師,父母境內申請綠卡期間i-130和 i-485先後被Refer要戶口本到底是什麽情況?

父母境內申請綠卡,i-130先被Refer,要求提供出生證明,我於兩周前提供了戶口本公證(自己翻譯並在美國做的公證,但是沒有certification by translator那頁)。今天又收到 i-485Refer,要求戶口本,出生證明,及之前申請時交附的其他所有公證書。這樣,是不是說明I-130 Refer提供的戶口本公證書不合格?

今天又收到的I-485 Refer

"Please provide a certified translation of your household register and birth certificate attached to the document being translated. Please note that the translation you submitted was not certified. Any document containing foreign language submitted to USCIS shall be accompanied by a full English language translation which the translator has certified as complete and accurate, and by the translator's certification that he or she is competent to translate from the foreign into English"


們一開始申請時,是在國內做的四頁出生公證書,最後一頁是國內的標準格式,落款就是翻譯人姓名,和機構時間和翻譯人的print name,但沒有USCIS網站上要求的翻譯人signature and address。會是這個原因說這個翻印不合格嗎?國內做的翻譯公證書會經常不合格嗎?
