我們公司律師很糊塗,總把我東西弄錯,所以想確認他們做法是否正確。當時律師好像是把我的perm放到別人的申請信封裏,寄到vermont center,我的i-140應該寄到texas。 現在如果vermont center把我的perm return給律師,USCIS還會有copy of original perm嗎?
-Yes. That is two different thing.
我仍然不需要重新file新的I-140嗎?我就是想弄清楚does it make any difference if Vermont Center returns the original PERM to the laywer, or DOL re-issued the PERM,無論是哪種情況,我都隻需要file I-907嗎?(我之所以會問這個問題,是因為我當時已經sign過original approved PERM,所以不明白如果vermont return the perm to lawyer,lawyer現在為啥要讓我重新sign)
上一次律師在email裏說,should we recover the original PERM, we will submit a second I140 on your behalf at no cost to you. 如果是他們付錢的話,您建議重新file I-140嗎?
-This may make USCI confused because the two I-140s are based on one PERM. As I said, USCIS should have your PERM approval there already, otherwise they should have rejected your case or send you RFE. I have seen several cases like yours and had no problem to get the I-140 approved. You may ask your lawyer to require whether USCIS have all your I-140 documents if you worry.
You may discus my suggestion with your lawyer to see what he/she responds