回複:如經常被公司外派到其他國家工作,用H1B 簽證,還是綠卡批準後的工卡(假如有的話)進出美國更方便?

 我外甥自從去年5月進一家公司實習後,一直以CPT 在這個公司工作。他將於今年5月碩士畢業,公司想繼續聘用他,並願意幫他辦身份和工作簽證。因為工作性質關係,他以後要經常去國外工作,近期公司希望他畢業後先去中國工作一段時間。
 請問如公司現在開始幫他同時辦綠卡和H1B 簽證, 我外甥能否在綠卡申請批準前,先用H1B 簽證去國外工作?
-He does not need a status to work outside US, but he had better ask the employer to file an H-1 petition for him to get the H-1 quote so that he can apply for H-1 visa to come back to US to work after he finishes the work outside US.



-The problem is that if he was born in Mainland China, it will take several years for him to file I-485 and get the EAD.