回複:I-130 & 1-485 填表問題,求8老師及皮老師解答。急!謝謝!

來源: 863211 2013-09-08 14:58:24 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (1341 bytes)

母親B2入境後,在美申請調整身份,填i-130&i-485時,有幾個問題求解, 謝謝!

1)i-130中,part c 母親一項資料中date and place of present marrige, 由於她忘了具體的結婚日期,結婚證一直沒找著。父親已經去世了,在這樣的情況下,此項可以不填嗎?
-Fine. Not need it because your mother is single at present legally.


2)i-130 及i-485中,提到家庭成員的地方,還需要寫上父親的資料嗎?
-Not need in your I-130 and your mother's I-485. But provide your father information in "Former Hu*****ands/Wives" part of your mother's G-325A and write "Deceased" in the "Date and Place of Termination of Marriage" part. Leave the "marriage date" part blank if you don't remember it.

-Not need to waste money to extend it.

就是怕延期和調整身份時間太接近,恐有欺騙之嫌。如果,不延期,填i-485時,需不需要填i-485a及交1000美元的罰款?-Do nothing. Not need to pay any cents and it will be fine.




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