
現在的情況是月底走人,而另一家的Offer 還沒來。

-You had better not leave until the new employer to file the H1 transfer.

HR 人告訴我:你一走,我們就得向移民局報告。因而:


-You may file B2 before you leave the current employer if you can not do the H1 transfer. If you do not file B2 and not file H1 transfer before you leave current employer, then your H1 transfer approval may not have I-94 and thus, you need to go to China to get the H1 visa to come back.

問題2B2 申請交上,就算合法逗留,是從郵遞日期開始算還是從移民局收到申請開始算?




-<15 days.

問題4: I-539 表有幾問,我不知填得對否, need to confirm with you (Background: we have been F1/F2 visa holders. We only applied for and got our current H1/H4 visa. )

(1). part 2, Q2: "Is this application based on the extension of change of status already granted to your spouse, child or parent?" (I think it is NO)-Correct.

(2). Part 2, Q3: "Is this application based on the separate application to give your spouse, child or parent an extension or change of status? (I think it is NO) -Correct.

(3) Should I include my 17-yr old kid as a co-applicant? (I think it is YES)-Correct. You and your child can use one I-539 for both of your change of status and pay one filing fee.



回複:回複:8-老師,皮老師,關於COS的問題。 -tiredofjobhunting- 給 tiredofjobhunting 發送悄悄話 (659 bytes) () 11/09/2012 postreply 15:09:55
